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National Jobs

American companies are now even putting intricate visa program information on their job application sites to attract international newcomers.  Congress needs to tell companies that are practicing a kind of reverse outsourcing by importing international workers, through a new law, that from now on American citizens and "permanent residents" will have the first right of jobs for all jobs in the United States that they are qualified for.  Under this bill, any company that willfully evades this law will be subject to civil penalties.  America has suffered the brunt of high unemployment ever since the Panic of '08 as unpatriotic companies and "one-worlder" executives care more about their "cool" internationalist bona fides than helping their fellow citizens get out of joblessness, homelessness, desperation, or low-paid jobs and/or sporadic work, or 70-hour work weeks of string-together jobs.  That needs to chang...
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WA 9th District Congressional Candidates Position Comparison Chart

Amash - Conyers Amendment  that would have put controls on the N.S.A.'s overreaching surveillance of the great majority of American citizens. Mark Greene - Yes; Adam Smith - No; Don Rivers - unknown; Doug Basler - unknown U.S. Service Veterans should continue receiving full cost of living adjustment payments with their pensions regardless of their age. Mark Greene - Yes; Adam Smith - No; Don Rivers - Yes; Doug Basler - unknown U.S. - India Nuclear Deal that allows U.S. govt. to cooperate with India's nuclear energy sector despite that India has never signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty regarding armaments. Mark Greene - No; Adam Smith - Yes; Don Rivers - unknown; Doug Basler - unknown Keystone XL Pipeline Construction Mark Greene - No; Adam Smith - unknown; Don Rivers - unknown; Doug Basler - unknown H-1B Visas and Random Lottery Visas Continuation at Present or Expanded Proportions Mark Greene - No; Adam Smith - Yes;...


Campaign site link for Mark Greene, U.S. Representative candidate, 9th District:  Reliability: Mark Greene's URL on the state voters' guide should be , but today it is what it is, so this site was created by us, because of a faux pas, to show the perseverance, strength and innovation we must have as a nation to overcome all problems, minor and big, especially the great problems of our time that we have all read about in newspapers, or heard about on radio and TV news shows, or simply lived through.  It was a quick reaction to name this blog, Job,  the first name to come to mind, the name of the prophet who overcame many perplexing problems, one after another, so this blog is created.  But the title Job can also mean, albeit with a different pronunciation, job as in work, and with America still suffering from ...